Friday, September 26, 2008

'Dying Breed' Poster Banned in Australia

A new one sheet for the Australian horror film Dying Breed has been rejected as too gruesome to hang on bus shelters, according to The Daily Telegraph. Starring Nathan Phillips (Wolf Creek) and Leigh Whannell (Saw), the thriller was inspired by cannibal convict Alexander Pearce - known as The Pieman because he baked pies for a living in Ireland prior to being deported to a penal colony in Tasmania. The inspiration shines through in the poster, which can be viewed by reading on.

The tongue-in-cheek poster, designed by the LaB Sydney, features a meat pie that has been split open to reveal its stomach-churning contents.

"It's disappointing and frustrating to have the poster censored by Adshel (the company that specialises in bus shelter advertising)," writer-producer Michael Boughen said.

"The poster will be seen in cinema foyers, press ads and online, so it's going to be in the public domain."

"Dying Breed is an Australian film fighting to be noticed in a crowded marketplace and we wanted to stand out from the crowd."

Dying Breed opens in Australia on November 6. Check out the official website for more info or click the banned poster below for more images.

Source: Daily Telegraph

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